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Marie Manthey, PhD (Hon.), MNA, FAAN, FRCN

Nurses Peer Support Network

Founder and president emerita of Creative Health Care Management consultation company, Manthey has long been motivated by one passion: a focus on the nurse-patient relationship and its potential for healing. She earned her BSN and MS in Nursing Administration from the University of Minnesota, where she is adjunct faculty. Her academic background makes her comfortable working in theories, but her strength is bringing new ideas into reality in a way that makes sense to practitioners and leaders.

Manthey’s life work, primary nursing and relationship-based care, started in one unit at the University of Minnesota and is now recognized and sought after worldwide. Her ability to describe key clinical practices in universal terms connects with health care executives, and she speaks about practice in a way clinicians can identify with—they get her, and she gets them. When Manthey uses inspirational language, they accept it and feel inspired.

At the height of her career, Manthey became addicted to alcohol and started on a journey in recovery that involved a deep transformation that is now in the 43rd year. She has helped develop a peer support program for nurses in Minnesota that is now in the sixth year. The Nursing Peer Support Network has helped thousands of nurses into recovery and employment.
Manthey lives in Minneapolis, and though she feels she’s entered a more reflective stage of her career, her colleagues and clients seek her counsel every day.